magic wiki

Rhymes: -ædʒɪk Noun [] magic (usually uncountable, plural magics) The use of rituals or actions, especially based on occult knowledge, to subdue or manipulate natural or supernatural beings and forces in order to have some benefit from them [from 14th c.]

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  • Welcome to the Magic: The Gathering Wiki The wiki about Magic: The Gathering, a game devel...
    Magic: The Gathering Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
  • Magic can mean: Magic (illusion), tricks that fool people into thinking they see something...
    Magic - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Magic usually refers to: Magic (paranormal), the use of paranormal methods to manipulate n...
    Magic - Wikipedia
  • Rhymes: -ædʒɪk Noun [] magic (usually uncountable, plural magics) The use of rituals or ac...
    magic - Wiktionary
  • Magic (魔法) is the main form of combat utilized by mages and by those who have manifested i...
    Magic | DanMachi Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
  • Overview Magic is used all throughout the world, and whenever it is used, an 8 Pointed Sta...
    Magic | Magi Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
  • Magic (sometimes referred to as stage magic to distinguish it from paranormal or ritual ma...
    Magic | Magic Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
  • The ability to use magical forces/powers to varying degrees. Those who possess this abilit...
    Magic | Superpower Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
  • Career Early years All members of the band are from the Toronto area of Canada. The lead s...
    Magic! - Wikipedia
  • Magic: The Gathering(中文名叫「魔法風雲會」或簡體版嘅「万智牌」)係集玩式紙牌 遊戲,響1993年由美國人 Richard Garfield 發明。呢個遊戲面世...
    Magic: The Gathering - 維基百科,自由嘅百科全書
  • Welcome to the Magic: The Gathering Wiki The wiki about Magic: The Gathering, a game devel...
    Magic: The Gathering Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
  • Magic can mean: Magic (illusion), tricks that fool people into thinking they see something...
    Magic - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia